Sunday 30 June 2024

Who Let The Mongrels Out?


Do mongrels have a right to live? My belief is that everyone has a right to live. But then opinions are subjective specially in a democracy.

Anyhow, the main question is that who let them out? I ask my pardon in advance for offending delicate sensibilities, but even though I tried hard to use butter with my words but despite my VIP Frenchie underwear, I couldn’t do it. I wanted to be a writer once, I know, very foolish of me, and that’s the exact reason I gave up on it. Now I write only when I have no options left.

Life is painful especially when you can’t do things you love and you are blamed for things you haven’t done. But, good thing about getting blame for something you haven’t done is that you don’t feel guilty about it, so despite all the ashleel music playing around you, somewhere you are at peace, even though you haven’t been at peace for long because you have been wicked to your own self. No rest for the wicked, they say. Although I have my doubts about this statement in the present scenario of the world.

I think I have said this before and I will say this again. I am not a very political person. I haven’t voted since I was 18, one of the minor reasons was my health and the other reason was assessment of the mentality of this nation (according to my surroundings, not generalising).

Well, here, BJP goes right, Congress goes left and Indian soldiers go left-right-left. Sometimes I think what should a government, whether it is BJP or Congress do, unless it is run by a deep state (sorry for injecting conspiracy theory in a mostly sane conversation), I think it should serve people, protect people and provide justice, atleast I think so.

What should Capitalists do? Ofcourse their primary goal should be to make profits, I mean that’s how they are defined, I guess. Also, provide goods and services, I don’t think these two functions are mutually exclusive.

India is a socialist country, which was inserted in the constitution by Indira Gandhi. Sorry for digression but Hitler was also a socialist. I mention Hitler so much that I may seem like a Hitler apologist, which is definitely not the case. I like to study people, sometimes the so called “monsters” of History, to understand what made them monsters, and in this pursuit I can just hope that I am not forsaken by my God and gods.

For the record, I am not a very social person, I have a little difficulty adapting well to certain societies, but that doesn’t mean that I am asocial or don’t like people in general. I have called myself antisocial and such words when I used to think that I am funny and also didn’t know the power of words.

I can understand what the government should do and what should the Capitalist do except from crushing the people who come in their way like a worm. I never understood what do the communist do? We all live in our little communes, with family and friends, with our specific communities, but I find political communism incompatible to human nature unless of course our nature gets too evolved, as an idea although, it sounds fantastic. I was apolitical to a point until I was forced to make a political viewpoint by my circumstances and I found integral humanism suitable to my viewpoint. Of course I have some rather strict views when it comes to some things but I do have explanations and arguments to support them, and like many other people I also don’t pull out arguments out of thin air or out of my ass. One of my political viewpoints is, Mongrels have the right to live and Machines should have better intelligence. Sometimes I feel I am being squeezed like a lemon, but then I gotta stay true to myself, and also not let the people who are too stupid to deliver justice, deliver it like bhelpuri.

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